July 17, 2024

Digital Transformation in Document Management

How does K2BGesdoc automate and streamline document management in public organizations? In this article, we share tests and real use cases to answer this question in detail.

In an increasingly digitized world, operational efficiency and effective information management are more crucial than ever, especially for financial and banking institutions such as central banks. In this context, K2BGesdoc emerges as a transformative solution for document and process management in large organizations.

Gestor documental

What is document management and why is it essential for public sector organizations?

Records management is the set of techniques and practices used to efficiently manage, organise, store and retrieve documents and information. It includes from the creation and receipt of documents, through their storage and preservation, to their eventual final disposal, either by permanent archiving or destruction.

K2B Gesdoc is more than a document management system, it is a process automation platform.

It optimises document processes and reduces costs. Increase the quality and productivity of corporate information. Its adoption is an easy process as it provides the tools and methodologies to make this process incremental and evolutionary.

documentos digitales

Key benefits of K2BGesdoc

Paperlessness and cost reduction: K2BGesdoc enables a drastic reduction in paper usage, minimising costs associated with storage, destruction and degradation of physical documents. This transition not only reduces costs, but also contributes to greater environmental sustainability.

Process efficiency: The elimination of paper and the digitization of processes streamlines procedures. Electronic management allows documents and files to be transferred instantly throughout the organization, reducing processing times and improving operational efficiency.

Access and Security: The document management system offers online access from anywhere in the organization, facilitating the consultation and management of documents. In addition, K2BGesdoc focuses on information security, integrating advanced control and auditing mechanisms, and using digital signatures to guarantee the integrity and authenticity of documents.

Integration and Flexibility: K2BGesdoc integrates seamlessly with internal and external systems, adapting to the specific needs of each central bank and public body. Its ability to model diverse processes and adapt workflows is essential to meet the unique requirements of each entity.

Software de gestión documental

Success Stories in Central Banks and Public institutions

Central Bank of Paraguay: Implemented in 2020, during the onset of the pandemic, K2BGesdoc enabled the Central Bank of Paraguay to manage 100% of its files electronically, significantly eliminating the use of paper and improving operational efficiency. With some 700 users, the system has transformed the way the bank handles documents such as invoices, contracts and internal communications.

Dirección General Impositiva de Uruguay: Since 2009, the DGI has optimised its administrative processes with K2BGesdoc. With 11 administrative processes and 19 procedures configured, the DGI has achieved an efficient integration with internal and external systems, managing more than 1000 users and reducing the volume of paper documentation.

Municipality of Godoy Cruz, Argentina: This municipality has achieved full digitisation of its administrative records and complaint processes. With 13 fully electronic processes, Godoy Cruz has improved its capacity to manage internal communications and citizen requests effectively.

document management

Highlights of K2BGesdoc

  • Process Management: Allows structured and free flows to be modelled, adapting to the specific needs of each process.
  • Documents and Actions: Supports the uploading, versioning and digital signature of documents, facilitating their monitoring and auditing.
  • Dynamic Forms: Allows the creation and customisation of forms according to the needs of the organization.
  • Queries and Statistics: Offers advanced tools for queries and report generation, providing a comprehensive view of the performance and efficiency of the system.

sistema de gestion documental


K2BGesdoc is a robust and adaptable document management system for the management of processes and documents in central banks and public organizations. Its ability to integrate processes, reduce costs and improve operational efficiency makes it an essential tool for any institution seeking to modernise its document management and adapt to the demands of an increasingly digital environment.

Implementing K2BGesdoc not only transforms the way documents are handled, but also lays the foundation for a more agile, secure and efficient operation, aligned with modern document management best practices.

To find out more about how K2BGesdoc can transform document management in your organization, please do not hesitate to contact our team of experts. We are here to help you take the next step on your path to digitisation and process optimisation.

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