
Resource Planning Solution for Central Banks

It allows to automate the administrative, accounting, budgetary and financial management of the organization from an integral vision.

A Government Resource Planning (GRP) software for a more connected, dynamic and efficient Central Bank.

Conceived as a platform, K2B GRP enables interoperability by merging technology and best management practices. It facilitates and integrates administrative processes, triggering and controlling all internal and external operations of the organization.

Focused on organizations with public administration, it leads to a more agile and efficient management level according to current needs. It ensures centralized control of regulations with a decentralized operation.

What challenges do Central Banks face?

  • Compliance with government regulations, Central Bank regulations and increased regulatory requirements.

  • Internal and external reporting with strict deadlines. Complex processes, a lot of paper documentation, notifications and files.

  • Need for real-time information for decision making.

  • Integration with fiscal control agencies, service providers and other government agencies.

  • Offer an excellent digital experience to its customers.

  • Infrastructure and information security.

How can K2B GRP help?


Process improvement


Effective and efficient information management


Traceability and confidentiality


Integration with transversal systems


Methodology and Consultancy

Standardization of processes in accordance with regulations

Componentes de K2B GRP

Plataforma modular y escalable

screenshot k2b

Interacción con sistemas transversales

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Hacemos foco en entender sus necesidades y nos adaptamos a los procesos de cada institución. Contáctenos para conocer cómo podemos fortalecer su organización.


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Material recomendado

Conozca nuestras últimas novedades, charlas y casos de éxito
Webinar K2B GRP Bancos Centrales

Webinar: Un sistema de Gestión Integral especializado para Bancos Centrales

En este webinar, Maya Chiz y Guzmán Etchebehere exponen sobre los beneficios que presenta el GRP de K2B para la operativa de los Bancos Centrales.

Ebook: Gestión financiera integral y eficiente del Sector Público

Descargable: GRP, un sistema de gestión integral para el sector público.

webinar: fortaleciendo la gestión pública en Paraguay

Webinar: Fortaleciendo la gestión pública del Gobierno en Paraguay

En esta charla, Christian Morel nos cuenta cómo un GRP se adecúa a los flujos de trabajo gubernamentales de Paraguay.



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