Pando Refrigeration Plant: How K2B ERP Transformed Its Business Management


A Specialized ERP for Refrigeration Plants

Since 2015, Pando Refrigeration Plant (Ontilcor S.A.) has unified its management processes on a single platform: K2B ERP. This allows them to access secure information immediately, as it records all administrative, commercial, and production processes.


About Pando Refrigeration Plant

The company began its operations in 1992 and is located in the city of Pando, in the Department of Canelones, 30 kilometers from Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay.

It is one of the main plants in Uruguay, a country with an agro-export model, and specializes in the slaughter, industrialization, and commercialization of chilled and frozen beef cuts and offals, both for the domestic market and for export.

The number of workers ranges between 500 direct hires and 1000 subcontracted. Its main export destinations are China and the United States.

Implementacion erp frigorífico

The Implementation Process

The need to hire an ERP arose because the company was conducting its operations using different management tools, with different languages and from different suppliers, which made administrative processes inefficient and based on low-quality information.

K2B conducted a survey of each area, identified the essential processes for the business and opportunities for improvement, and began the process of designing and implementing the ERP. With the corresponding testing phases, the process lasted a year and a half.

Training was provided for all sectors operating the system, and currently, when there are special developments, all sectors impacted by the changes are trained by K2B.

The ERP allowed them to unify information in one place, reducing administrative burden and enhancing strategic decision-making.

The Solution

The management platform developed for Pando Refrigeration Plant consists of a series of modules corresponding to the traditional ERP and other specific modules for the refrigeration industry. Among the former are:

  • Purchasing Module
  • Supplies Inventory (Warehouse)
  • Accounts Payable
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Treasury
  • Accounting


Those designed specifically for the project, which operate fully integrated with the previous ones, were:

  • Livestock (Purchase of cattle)
  • Slaughterhouse
  • Meat Inventory (of halves, quarters, roasts, by-products, and boxes)
  • Production Module: Quartering and deboning
  • Sales/Commercial: exports, supply, and local market

solución ERP para frigorífico


Another notable aspect of the solution is that the steps of the production process recorded on the platform have integrations with control agency systems: it shares information with the Electronic Information System of the Meat Industry (SEIIC) also known as the “Black Box” System, and with the Supply Registration and Management System (SRGA), both of the National Meat Institute of Uruguay (INAC).

To strengthen decision-making, the system also includes Business Analytics elements, offering information dashboards for all slaughter performances and for sales, both local and export.


The key differential that K2B ERP presents for the refrigeration plant is its scalability and its multi-modular nature, which allows them to grow together with their management platform.

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