November 18, 2022

Future-proof: 5 clients migrated to new versions

BEPSA (PY), Banco Central del Uruguay, Ceibal (UY), Godoy Cruz (AR) and INEFOP (UY) have evolved and have put the new K2B versions into production.

We foster a culture of continuous improvement, so we accompany all technological advances and best practices in company management matters. We also actively listen to our customers, which allows us to get better with each new version, allowing us to offer more and more value with each version.

Our motto is based on us being a future-proof solution. Therefore, in this past month, we performed 5 migrations which were carried out thanks to the good disposition of our clients, of our teamwork, and, above all, of K2B’s adaptability, flexibility and modulation, which allows organizations to upgrade and put the new versions into production.


BEPSA (Banca Electrónica del Paraguay Sociedad Anónima) already owned internal systems developed using different technologies to carry out their business. They therefore needed to implement a solid Management System, which needed to be able to communicate with their internal systems in order to guarantee a better efficiency of their processes and to leverage the gathering of the real-time information required by the different management and executive areas and other enforcement agencies.

BCU (Central Bank of Uruguay) selected K2B because they needed to have a solution that offered more robust and effective processes. In this way, they automated their accounting, administrative, and human resources processes to provide the appropriate framework for the Bank to reach the highest possible levels of efficiency and control over their systems.

Ceibal selected K2B to resolve their administrative management. This included the automation of the complete work process, from delivering a laptop to repairing it, including the maintenance of the equipment and software updates.

The Godoy Cruz Municipality selected K2B GRP with the aim of implementing an integrated solution covering the different modules of the GRP. The main objective is the digital transformation of the organization.

INEFOP selected K2B GRP to implement a software solution to promote a new management model adapted to the needs of the organization. The goal is to automate, record, and control all operations within the organization.

About K2B 10

K2B 10 is the latest version of our product, which continues to evolve in order to provide more benefits to our users and organizations.

Operational efficiency and quality
New features were added in all modules.

Data-based management
New mechanisms were added in order to convert the data included in the ERP into valuable information for the different levels within an organization.

User experience
As with all K2B updates, new features were included in order to improve the experience of our users and the usability of the ERP.

Customization and Integration
New features have been added to customize the ERP based on the specific needs of the organizations and users. New, more technologically advanced, integration mechanisms were also added, which allow the ERP to be integrated into the ecosystem of applications used by your organization (both internal and external) in a more simple and secure way.

K2B10 is built with the latest technologies in order to provide more value to your organization.


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