October 17, 2022

K2B Open: we have released K2B 10!

This past Wednesday October 5th, we held the K2B Open, an event geared towards our community, to introduce the new K2B version.

WIth the participation of more than 80 people from different industries and countries, who joined us both in person and virtually, we met at Sinergia Design to share the latest developments and features included in K2B 10.

Daniela Camps, Operations Manager, and Marina Vazquez, Project Manager for K2B, held a session to talk about the work that was accomplished during this year.

On the other hand, Natalia Talamas, Product Manager, and Martin Rubio, from the Investigation and Development team, shared updates about the vast improvements included in K2B 10.

In addition, Dominique Sarries, founder of “Empoderamiento Creativo”, delivered a talk about creativity as a tool for transformations.

To round off, Karina Santo, the CEO for K2B, closed the event with a strong message: “This release is the result of what Dominique was mentioning: there was a lot of creativity involved, and a lot of “yes, we can”. Today, we have version 10 before us telling us that future-proof is a reality.”


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