October 5, 2023

K2B brought together the leading figures of the public sector in Paraguay

K2B hosted the event “Digital Governance: Transforming Public Administration.”


On Tuesday, August 26, K2B hosted an event that brought together more than 60 authorities from the country’s public sector. Representatives from organizations such as the Central Bank of Paraguay, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Comtel, the Financial Development Agency (AFD), the Embassy of Uruguay in Paraguay, the Municipality of Asunción, the Ministry of the Interior, Conatel, the Ministry of Public Health, among others, participated.

Desayuno Paraguay


The morning was marked by two talks. Engineer Rafael Mon, CEO of K2B, gave a presentation on Artificial Intelligence, emphasizing how this technology has the potential to revolutionize organizational management.


Rafael Mon


“Today, Paraguay is facing a newly elected government that promotes a series of innovative and transformative initiatives. Technology plays a fundamental role in these transformations, allowing for greater efficiency in task execution and the provision of better services to citizens. In this context, artificial intelligence emerges as a powerful tool with the potential to significantly drive these processes of change,” said Rafael Mon.

Rafael Mon


On the other hand, Mr. Oscar Toledo, Director of Government Accounts at BDO Paraguay, spoke about “Improving Public Management and Strengthening Internal Control Systems.” He highlighted the importance of maximizing administrative efficiency and listed the main challenges facing the sector.


Oscar Toledo


In addition to bringing together key figures from the public sector to address issues related to management and technology, this event provided a valuable space for the exchange of ideas and collaboration, with the aim of advancing and developing Paraguay.



Equipo K2B


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